NKHS Seniors: Essays are still being accepted to win the Be A Representative for a Day. Deadline is today! Please send essays to Dr. Morse.
over 2 years ago, NKHS
NKHS Students - Late Bus Announcement. Due to the lack of student use of the late buses, they are being discontinued beginning the week return from February break. If we have evidence in the future that there are enough students committing to use the late bus, we may revisit the provision of buses.
over 2 years ago, NKHS
Dear 8th grade students and families, Due to high volume of staff absences, the 8th grade open house for North Kingstown High School originally scheduled on 1/12/22  has been postponed to a potential future date in February, 2022. We will update information about the February date when we know more. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and we hope to see you in the future. 
over 2 years ago, Shivali Finkelstein
NKHS Students - This is a reminder about the URI Concurrent Enrollment Virtual Open House tonight at 7 pm. To find the Zoom link, look on our website nkhs.nksd.net under Explore >Documents>Students.
almost 3 years ago, NKHS
NKHS Championship Games - R.I.I.L has notified us that all tickets must be purchased ONLINE ONLY at the GoFan Championship Ticket link: https://gofan.co/app/school/RIIL. Spectators should arrive no earlier than 30 minutes before the games. Go Skippers!
almost 3 years ago, NKHS
Congratulations to the 2021 RIIL Girls Cross Country State Champion: North Kingstown High School
almost 3 years ago, North Kingstown School Department
NK Grills Cross Country Team on podium
Congratulations to RIIL Unified Volleyball Championship Division II Champion: North Kingstown High School
almost 3 years ago, North Kingstown School Department
NK Unified Basketball Division 1 Champions
UPDATE: Due to power outages NKHS CTE Open House has been postponed to Wednesday Nov 3, 2021 from 6-8 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope to see everyone on Nov 3.
almost 3 years ago, Shivali Finkelstein
NKHS Receives BLUE RIBBON Recognition!! https://www2.ed.gov/programs/nclbbrs/awards.html
almost 3 years ago, North Kingstown School Department
Blue Ribbon Logo
This is an important announcement for North Kingstown High School Class of 2021. We have received an update on the guidance. While three feet of spacing is recommended between family groups, it is no longer required therefore we are allowing up to three additional guests per family. Please note that parking is still limited and only cars with a parking pass will be allowed to enter the parking lots. Further instructions will be given to graduates at rehearsal tomorrow morning.
over 3 years ago, NKHS
NKHS Graduation will take place on our RAIN DATE of Thursday, June 10th at 6pm. Gates for ticketed guests will open at 5 pm.
over 3 years ago, NKHS
Hello NKHS Students! The Student Union Presidential Election for the 2021-2022 President and VP will take place tomorrow morning during advisory. The voting window will be 7:15 - 7:35 am. This is a rank-choice process, you will be asked to select candidates in order from the first pick, second pick, so on. Short descriptions of the candidates will be provided for you to help you make your decision. Thank you
over 3 years ago, NKHS
Kindergarten & New Student Registration for School Year 2021-2022 is now open. Visit the link below for more information. https://www.nksd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=796106&type=d&pREC_ID=1351401
over 3 years ago, North Kingstown School Department
Clipboard reads "New Student Registration"
NKHS Seniors - If you have off-roll tomorrow morning , Wednesday April 7th, remember that we are in a Skipper Schedule. Period 2 begins at 9:00 am
over 3 years ago, NKHS
NKHS Juniors and Seniors - We are looking forward to having you all back together on April 26th! By Tuesday we will send out all of the details on how Seniors can get parking assignments and Juniors can have your name placed on the lottery list for any leftover spaces.
over 3 years ago, NKHS
NKHS Students - Reminder that tomorrow Monday, March 22 is an A day. Group A students report in-person.
over 3 years ago, NKHS
NKHS Students - Reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 3rd, is a B day. Semester 2 start has been moved to Thursday Feb 4th.
over 3 years ago, NKHS
NKHS Students - Tomorrow, February 2nd, will be a full distance learning schedule for the high school students.    We will be following the regular day schedule, thus students should be reporting to class virtually at 7:30 am.
over 3 years ago, NKHS
NKHS Students: Do you want to have a voice in improving the educational opportunities at NKHS? We need you to share one hour of your time to help with this project. For more information, see the email sent to students yesterday or use this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bxWTXQ_uQt6q_JKSRaNj1GS_TVf47WutdMh08PSj8gM/edit?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, NKHS
NKHS. Tomorrow January 11 is an A day. Only students in the A group should report in person.
over 3 years ago, NKHS