UPDATE 04-08-2024
The North Kingstown School Department has followed the Centers for Disease Control and the Rhode Island Department of Health guidelines throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC and RIDOH recently updated their guidelines, and we will continue to follow their recommendations.
According to this guidance:
Stay home from school and away from others when sick with respiratory virus symptoms (fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, headache, etc.) that another cause cannot better explain
Abstain from normal activities until remaining fever-free without fever-reducing medications for at least 24 hours and symptoms have improved.
While the new guidelines discontinue the requirements for a 5-day COVID-19 quarantine, the CDC suggests that anyone returning to normal activities, including school, after illness should consider taking added precautions like masking and physical distancing for five(5)
More information on covid management, treatment, and recommendations can be found below:
Your child needs to stay home when showing signs and symptoms of illness.
Please call the NKHS Sick Line at (401) 268-6239 when you anticipate your child being tardy or absent. If your child is out ill, it is helpful to know your child's symptoms to determine if an outbreak of one particular illness is occurring in the school.
We ask that students stay home for the following reasons:
Fever >100.4 F
Vomiting or diarrhea
Persistent cough
Excessive fatigue and lethargy due to their illness
Known contagious condition (i.e., strep throat, impetigo, pink eye) that has not been properly treated
Symptoms of the Covid-19 virus pending a negative Covid test
Would you like to update your child's medical information? Do you need to add parental permissions for over-the-counter medications? Please view this Aspen Workflows for Back to School "Paperwork" Tutorial to learn how to do it.
Click here to access the Aspen Family Portal.
If you forget your Aspen Family Portal password, please get in touch with Guidance at (401) 268-6240.