Call 401-268-6230
NKHS Administrators

Shivali Finkelstein
Ms. Finkelstein feels extremely humbled, honored and feels privileged to have the opportunity to work with the educational community of North Kingstown High school.
Ms. Finkelstein started her educational career in 2006, as a math teacher at Shea High School in Pawtucket, RI. She was a classroom teacher from 2006-2016. She had a very fulfilling career as a teacher at Shea High school for a decade. In the year 2016, she was honored to become an Assistant Principal (STEAM) for Teaching and Learning at South Kingstown High School in South Kingstown, RI. Major part of her work involved working with teachers in the Science, Math, Applied Arts, PE/Health and Fine Arts departments on 21st Century Curricula, Project-Based Learning, creating multiple pathways for students, Instructional strategies and Assessments. In collaboration with students, teachers and other administrators she was able to work on implementing STEM based programs for students at South Kingstown High school such as Biomedical, CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), EMT (Emergency Medical Training), Computer Science (including App Design and Software Development), Carpentry and Studio Arts. She thoroughly enjoyed her experience and engaged with many students and families that took advantage of accessing these programs. She served the community of South Kingstown from 2016-2019.
She then had the utmost privilege to work at Lincoln High School as their Assistant Principal for school year 2019-20.
Ms. Finkelstein started her school year with North Kingstown High School on July 1, 2020.
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” ― Aristotle
Dr. James Comer, 1995

Jean Leich
Principal's Secretary
Call: 401-268-6231
Assistant Principals

Eric Anderson
Assistant Principal: Student Services
Experienced Mathematics Teacher, Dean of Students, and Secondary Administrator. Skilled in In forming relationships, teaching and learning, collaboration, and mentoring students.
Call 401-268-6266
“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” ― Malcolm X
Steve Maraboli

Jaclyn Tirocchi
Assistant Principal: Teaching and Learning
Jaclyn is a passionate educator and leader. With a BA from Providence College and a MM from The Boston Conservatory at Berklee in vocal performance and music education, she began her journey as a private vocal coach and launched her own company, Jaclyn Leigh Music, in 2012. Her private studio reached as far as Guyana, Spain, Australia, California, France, and Greece. She then became the music director and vice president of a non-profit musical theater organization, Scituate Youth Drama, Inc., for which she is now President and Executive Director. In 2017 she began her academic experience as the choral director of Scituate Middle and High School in Scituate, Rhode Island. In 2022 she became a certified building level administrator through the Center for Leadership in Educational Equity. Jaclyn is also a doctoral candidate, majoring in Educational Leadership, at Johnson and Wales University. In 2021 Jaclyn became a K-5 elementary music teacher in Lincoln, Rhode Island, in order to obtain direct K-12 experience that spans all grade levels. She feels that understanding the entire spectrum of elementary and secondary education is a critical component when considering meaningful vertical and horizontal alignment throughout a district. She has since held an Assistant Principal position at Lincoln High School and is the current Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning at North Kingstown High School.
Her belief is that all students are capable of high academic achievement and that it is the responsibility of the leader to ensure that teachers, students, and families are provided with the necessary infrastructure to see that belief to fruition. Working collaboratively with various stakeholders towards common, progressive goals serves as the core of her professional motivation. Coupled with her desire to serve our youth in a way that directly impacts the future of our world, Jaclyn’s passions align with the profound work that is expected of an educational leader who aspires for equity and excellence in the 21st century.
Jaclyn’s reformative approach to educational leadership leverages evidence-based practices such as collaboration, professional development, and cycles of continuous improvement based on data, culture, and a strong shared vision. Her leadership style is such that students, families, teachers, and staff feel heard, valued, supported, and safe. Jaclyn believes that true educational reform can only grow from soil that is rich with the insight of all stakeholders and watered with initiatives that support the evolution of our youth as they develop into critically thinking, contributive citizens.
Call 401-268-6289
"The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning new skills. Everything else will become obsolete over time" __ Peter Drucker
Albert Einstein
Clerks to the Assistant Principals

Christine Mark
Clerk-Student Services
Call: 401-268-6233

Billy Petterson
Clerk-Asst. Principal for Teaching & Learning
Email: Mr. Petterson
Call: 401-268-6214
Deans Of Students

Jessica DePolito
Dean of Students
10th & 12th Grade
Call 401-268-6263

Amanda Springer
Dean of Students
9th & 11th Grade
Call 401-268-6277
Main Office & SSO Office Clerks

Kerry Langlois
Attendance Clerk
Email: Ms. Langlois
Call: 401-268-6236

Carole Taylor
Main Office Clerk
Call: 401-268-6213