Student Support Resources
North Kingstown School Department Community Resources
Help sites and articles
Behavior and Discipline
Coping Skills
Crisis Intervention/Suicide Awareness
This free hotline number (1-855-543-5465) connects parents and caregivers to children’s counseling and support services in Rhode Island.
Dating Violence
Love is Respect is a national teen dating violence abuse helpline. Facts and resources are available to download and use.
The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence is an agency that provides comprehensive emergency and support services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual violence and stalking. They are available 24/7 by phone.-Exp
Day One Sexual Assault and Trauma Resource Center
Break The Cycle is a good website for both parents and teens on facts and resources regarding dating violence and unhealthy relationships
Learning Styles
NC State University Index of Learning styles questionnaire to learn about your own learning style.