FRENCH I 3113 1.0 credit
Grade: 9-12
In this introduction to French, emphasis will be placed on speaking and understanding the French language. The students will be exposed to basic grammatical structures and vocabulary. Supplementary materials, such as videos, magazines and recordings will provide enrichment to the basic text. A study of the countries in which French is spoken will also give the students a well-rounded picture of the customs and cultures of these lands.
FRENCH II 3123 1.0 credit
Grade: 9-12
The students will continue to build upon their basic French language skills. Speaking, understanding, reading and writing will offer each student continued practice and progress in controlling the target language. The students will continue to learn in greater depth the customs, culture and geography of French speaking countries through the use of a wide variety of audio/visual materials and activities.
Prerequisite: French I
FRENCH III HONORS 3134 1.0 credit
Grade: 10-12
This course is conducted as much as practical in the French language and the students are encouraged to express themselves in this language orally and in writing. Individual and group projects, presentations, free conversation, listening practice, video reviews and the sharing of culture are integral parts of this curriculum. The students will continue to increase control of grammar and work on developing writing skills.
Prerequisite: French II
FRENCH IV HONORS 3144 1.0 credit
Grade: 11-12
Students will continue to develop listening and speaking skills through frequent short presentations and situations. Directed and free conversation as well as composition will offer each student the opportunity to increase facility in French. Thematic projects and activities will supplement and reinforce the text. This course will be conducted in French.
Prerequisite: French III
FRENCH V HONORS 3154 1.0 credit
Grade: 11-12
This fifth level course will enhance and refine aural and oral skills, advance reading comprehension and analysis, and further develop writing skills. A variety of activities will be employed, such as viewing and discussing films, writing essays and skits, journaling, oral presentations and open dialogs. Students will have the opportunity to take the AP test in the spring. Students in this class may take the Advanced Placement French Exam, however would not receive credit for the Advanced Placement Course. See page 63 for more information.
Prerequisite: French IV
GERMAN I 3213 1.0 credit
Grade: 9-12
The textbook is used as one of many tools to better understand and learn German, along with learning about the culture of its native speakers. Opportunities to reenact cultural elements in order to discover its value for ourselves are built into the curriculum. One example is the annual OKTOBERFEST, which is a major celebration for which musical skits are prepared. Indeed, the linguistic building blocks acquired in this manner tend to last a lifetime. While listening, reading, and speaking are emphasized, students have plenty of opportunity to acquire the needed structures to write simple sentences correctly.
GERMAN II 3223 1.0 credit
Grade: 10-12
The textbook serves primarily as a resource, as student’s linguistic discovery continues through songs, poetry, short stories, and radio plays, as well focusing on specific language structures through partner-, repetitive-, and written tasks. Celebrations continue to bring learning opportunities through performances and presentations. Students are expected to demonstrate a healthy and continuous curiosity for the language, through personal time spent with Internet sources, current media and literature.
Prerequisite: German I
GERMAN III HONORS 3234 1.0 credit
Grade: 10-12
This course is conducted as much as practical in German and students are encouraged to express themselves in the language, both orally and in writing. Reading, discussion, and writing about contemporary short stories along with listening to audio plays will form a core of the work at this level. In addition, the students will be guided in developing individual projects and presentations, writing and presenting a play, using videos,, practicing free conversation and sharing cultural experiences. Students will continue to review grammar and work on improving writing skills.
Prerequisite: German II
GERMAN IV HONORS 3244 1.0 credit
Grade: 11-12
This course is conducted in German in tandem with German III but since the materials and books used in this course alternate, the course is not a repeat of German III.
Prerequisite: German III
Grade: 10—12
This course is offered every other year to students involved in the reciprocal student exchange program with the Burgau Academy in Duren, in North Rhein Palatinate, Germany. Students must attend all preparatory meetings and assist during our partner hosting. They must prepare and deliver a presentation in German for a school audience in Germany. During their home stay, they must keep a journal (in German), and provide a multimedia demonstration of their experience upon their return.
PORTUGUESE I 3413 1.0 credit
Grade: 9-12
The student is introduced to the understanding, speaking, reading and writing of Portuguese. Students will be exposed to many lands and culture of the Portuguese speaking people. Audio/video materials will be used to enhance student interest and learning.
PORTUGUESE II 3423 1.0 credit
Grade: 10 -12
Students will continue to demonstrate and practice their skills in controlling the language. Increased exposure to all aspects of the culture through use of audio/video will further enhance student interest and learning.
Prerequisite: Portuguese I
Grade: 11-12
This course is conducted as much as practical in Portuguese and the students are encouraged to express themselves in Portuguese orally and in writing. Individual and group projects, presentations, free conversation, listening practice, video and cultural topics are integral parts of the curriculum. Students will continue to increase control of grammar and work on developing writing.
Prerequisite: Portuguese II
PORTUGUESE IV HONORS 3444 1.0 credit
College Credit Eligible - Early Enrollment Program (p. 12)
Grade: 12
This course is conducted in Portuguese as much as possible and students are encouraged to express themselves in the language both orally and in writing. Reading, discussion and writing about cultural topics will form the core of instruction. Students will prepare individual projects and presentations. Student speaking and listening skills will be further developed through conversation and in working with audio material.
Prerequisite: Portuguese III
SPANISH I 3313 1.0 credit
Grade: 9-12
In this first course of Spanish, the student is introduced to the sounds and basic structure of the Spanish language. Emphasis is placed on the skill areas of understanding, speaking, reading and writing. Culture is an integral part of this course. Students are introduced to many of the Spanish speaking lands and their customs. Audio/video materials are used to enhance the learning process.
SPANISH II 3323 1.0 credit
Grade: 9-12
This course will build upon the concepts learned in the previous level. The student will improve proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as further his/her knowledge of grammatical structures and usage.
Prerequisite: Spanish I
SPANISH III 3333-3334 1.0 credit
Grade: 10-12
This third level course will emphasize in greater detail the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will review major grammar concepts, and will be introduced to more advanced sentence structure and
usage. Considerable attention will be paid to increasing vocabulary as well as the ability to use the language in conversation and writing. Reading skills will be enhanced through a variety of materials. Appreciation of Hispanic language and culture will be reinforced through audio/visual materials.
Prerequisite: Spanish II
3333 CP
3334 Hon
SPANISH IV 3343-3344 1.0 credit
Grade: 11-12
The fourth level course will further develop the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Emphasis will be placed on advanced sentence structure and usage, and advanced vocabulary. Students will be given the opportunity to increase oral and written proficiency in Spanish through frequent short presentations, daily living situations, conversations and compositions.
Prerequisite: Spanish III
3343 CP
3344 Hon
SPANISH V Honors 3354 1.0 credit
Grade: 12
This fifth level course will enhance and refine aural and oral skills, advance reading comprehension and analysis, and further develop writing skills. A variety of activities will be employed, such as viewing and discussing films, writing essays and skits, journaling and oral presentations and open dialogs.
Prerequisite: Spanish IV Honors or Spanish IV CP with approval of Department Chair.
AP SPANISH 3355 1.0 credit
Grade: 11-12
This Advanced Placement course provides students the opportunity to learn Spanish at a college level while still in high school. The main focus of the course is to develop students’ communication skills with a strong emphasis on conversation and composition through integration of skills. Students will study the language and culture through the interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes of communication. The course is connected to six overarching themes that allow students to enhance their language skills through the study of perspectives of Hispanic cultural topics and ideas. The AP examination will not seek to evaluate specific course content, but rather levels of performance. Students must take the AP Examination in May to receive AP credit for the course.
AP SPANISH 3365 1.0 Credit
The AP Spanish Literature and Culture course uses a thematic approach to introduce students to representative texts from Peninsular Spanish, Latin American, and United States Hispanic literature. Students develop proficiency across the full range of communication modes (interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive), is examined within the context of its time and place. The course also includes a strong focus on cultural connections and comparisons, including exploration of various media. Students must take the AP Examination in May to receive AP credit for the course.
WORLD CULTURES 3163 0.5 Credit
The purpose of this course is to educate students to become culturally competent global citizens and to prepare them for an increasingly globalizing world which will require students to work effectively in cross-cultural situations. Students will develop an understanding of a variety of world cultures as well as investigate how a culture develops, changes, is spread to other cultures, and its power to influence our lives and events. Topics include, but are not limited to: the role of family, language, art, the business environment, political and religious ideologies, government types, gender roles, work and how culture influences behavior.